Monthly Archives: January 2014

  • Since several weeks, a steel bicycle is being designed in Uganda. Eline Meesters student of Industrial Design at Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands) works on this challenge as her final project. Main issues in her bicycle design: the bicycle must be robust, not too big and not too expensive. The first steps are successful, […]

  • Participants in the “Fietsen Scoort” campaign, cycled around the world 250 times, and that raised € 45,000. This money goes to bicycle projects of CooP-Africa. Our thanks goes out to “Fietsen scoort” and especially to all those who left the car in the parking lot and took the bicycle to work in 2013. “Fietsen Scoort” […]

  • CooP-Africa streeft ernaar om onze baten zo efficiënt mogelijk in te zetten voor de fietsinterventies ten behoeven van ondernemers, scholieren en gezondheidswerkers in Afrika. Uiteraard worden er kosten gemaakt voor overhead zoals voor fondsenwerving. U kunt hierbij denken aan communicatiekosten en salariskosten. Hierover willen we transparant zijn naar u toe.   

  • CooP-Africa builds networks and synergies, raises funds, and provides guidance to the implementing organisations in Africa. CooP-Africa sees its role not only as a financial donor, but also as an innovator and incubator for bicycle enterprises and bicycle interventions. 

  • Since December 2013 CooP-Africa has a new volunteer: Maaike Ruiterkamp. Maaike introduces herself: Jambo! I’m Maaike Ruiterkamp, a new and enthusiastic volunteer for CooP-Africa. I recently graduated as a health scientist, but in addition I also have a passion for Africa and development cooperation. In April 2012 I made my first trip to Kenya and […]

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