We believe that a bicycle and other mobility aids can make a difference in this world for reasons of health, poverty alleviation, environment, etc. The objective of Cycling out of Poverty is to improve access (availability and accessibility) to a bicycle and other mobility aids as a means for poverty reduction and initiating and promoting bicycle and mobility interventions that can contribute to improving the lives of African families. Accessibility is one of the most important factors in development. Access to schools, access to hospital and access to jobs. African women and children walk long distances every day, often carrying many kilos of firewood and water on their heads. Walking to reach schools, health facilities or areas where they can work. A bicycle and other mobility aids can break the vicious circle of poverty because it offers people in Africa the opportunity to climb (or cycle) out of poverty.


We believe every person has a right to fair and equal access to income, education, health care and food. It is unacceptable that still 1 on every 5 people lives in extreme poverty. Also these people should have a chance to have a fair access to income opportunities, health care, education and food. We believe that a bicycle and other mobility aids can make a difference in this world and can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The mission of Cycling out of Poverty is to improve the livelihood of African families by making bicycles and other mobility aids accessible and available for everyone.

Accessibility is one of the most important factors in development. Access to schools, access to hospital, access to jobs, access to food. A bicycle can break the vicious circle of poverty because it offers Africans the opportunity to climb (or cycle) out of poverty. A bicycle offers an equal and fair access to income, health care, education and food for everyone. And additionally a bicycle contributes to a more sustainable society and world as an environmental and human oriented means of transport.