Hakisimana Jean de DieuThis is Hakizimana Jean de Dieu. He is 20 years old and lives in Ngeruka, Rwanda. He is one of the people who obtained a bicycle on credit three years ago from our partner organszation in Rwanda. In the past three years, the bicycle has enabled him to earn more money. He uses it in the morning to transport bananas, beans and cassava from his garden to the market, and in the afternoon he rides it as a taxi. Three years ago he lived in a mud house. Now he has managed to build a stone house on his compound. He proudly shows his house to see what he has managed to achieve by using the bicycle for his work. Jean de Dieu is still single. But the women are lining up a now that he has managed to build a nice house. For more information about this project, click here to go to the project page.